Kalki - Mantras

There is no one definitive or comprehensive list of mantras associated with Kalki in Hindu mythology. The specific mantras, prayers, and invocations used in worship and devotion to Kalki may vary depending on the region, tradition, and individual beliefs of the practitioner.

However, here are a few examples of Kalki mantras that are commonly used in Hindu worship:

  1. Om Kalki Devaya Namaha - This is a general mantra used to invoke the blessings and protection of Kalki.

  2. Om Kalki Mahavataraya Sarvajana Sarva Rakshakaya Sarva Dushta Nivaranaaya Shri Parameshwara Kalagni Rudra Jwala Jwala Jwala Visphulingaya Swaha - This is a longer mantra that invokes the power and protection of Kalki, as well as the other deities associated with him.

  3. Kalki Gayatri Mantra - This mantra is a specific variation of the Gayatri Mantra, which is a powerful prayer used to invoke the blessings and protection of various deities in Hinduism. The Kalki Gayatri Mantra is believed to invoke the divine energy and wisdom of Kalki.


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